After all, I am a pro.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Fact: The best way to exact your revenge on someone is simply this. Manipulate a situation to your favor. For instance, egg this person on with harmless comments. By harmless I mean things that you know get under this person’s skin, but to casual on lookers, are mere little words. Next, wait for them to lose it, or to overreact. Then, once this person tries to confront you about this, deny the whole thing, after all, you have witnesses that saw you being nothing but outwardly polite.

No one is perfect. I don’t care how perfect someone seems, deep down, they’ve got secrets, lies. Just like the rest of us. I sometimes think these people are worse. They walk around with their noses in the air, pretending not to care or to notice, but you tell me who the real liar is: someone who allows others to believe they are perfect, or people who walk around wearing their Scarlet Letters (whatever letter it may be!). I’d rather be friends with a bitch than a fraud because at least I know the bitch is going to stab me and this way I can be ready for it. Unlike the fraud who lures you into a false lull of a safety net and then slowly, when you least expect it, inserts that knife, right in between your ribs; while you’re sleeping. So they can silently slip away while you bleed out in bed.

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