Why is it that women are so quick to sell themselves for a cheaply delivered and so obviously hollow compliment? Why do women think they can change these worthless men into something of a worth? They sit on their fat asses all day and complain, complain, complain. “I’m better than this”; “I’m worth more than this”. It’s always the women who get rejected by one guy. One measly Neanderthal who can’t tell the difference between his knuckles and the ground in which he is dragging them on. And somehow, this ruins them, impairs their judgment and there in lays the problem. For this is when the cunning bottom feeders swoop in, there to pick you up at your lowest, to say those three deadly words that you’ve been longing for: “I appreciate you”. For three measly words they throw all of their dignity and self respect out the window. Defenestration at its best!
Let me tell you something. You fuckin’ think you’re something special? You think he’s suddenly and miraculously going to change? For you? You think he’s magically going to see the error of his ways and give it all up? For you? Who do you think you are? What are you to him? A halfway decent fuck who can’t even remember who he was screwing last season, let alone you twenty some-odd years from now. Please. Don’t delude yourself.
These same women are always the ones who end up leaving their men time and time again because they’re not “perfect” enough, because they “deserve better”, they want their Prince Charming to come in and sweep them off their feet with his trusty white steed, so they can finally be treated like the “princess” they are. They talk the talk by demanding the prince but they aren’t walking the walk when they settle for the frog.
Every. Single. Time.
It’s sad because, and only because, the real princes they are longing for, are there all the while; bearing discarded witness to this pathetic and public show of psycho-babble failure. There stands your prince, in the shambles and dust, he and his trusty steed.