It's funny really. The things that people say. Funny because they never say what they actually mean. I had a friend, a really good friend. The kind of friend who knows you better than you know yourself. This friend never judged me when I got upset. Didn't care why I was upset to begin with, didn't try to rationalize it away like most people do. This friend simply listened. Which is all anyone ever wants in the end anyways. Just a person to sit by them with enough respect to put aside their own needs for attention to really be able to focus and listen with an open heart. For you need more than just your ears to truly listen to a person. My point is, I had this in someone. Had being the opperative word. I suppose I've found two people like this. Found. And lost.
It's funny because both parties are never aware of just how special the friendship is until it's gone. Hell, most of the time one party never realizes it. And what's more is that peolpe rarely realize the gift they are giving. Someone once said to me "I would like to treat you better than I have been treating you." I couldn't reply. To think that this person was mistreating me when in fact they were one of the few people who were treating me kindly and resectfully; of all the people in my life. I no longer speak to this person. They dropped off the planet; too busy with their own life I guess. It's the fact that they were such a good friend when they thought they weren't and now that they're not being a good friend anymore I'm sure they think nothing of it.
I will never understand people. Never. Never...
I am ever, always, invisible.