After all, I am a pro.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

43rd Chapter

God I miss you so much.

There are no words for this feeling.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Left Out...

And then I'm like...

That'll never be me.

Silly girl; whatever was I thinking.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Dear people in my life.

I am who I am. I am not perfect and if you’re expecting me to be then know this: I will not be apologizing to you when you find out just how imperfect I am. If you care about me, then tell me. If you are angry with me, confront me. If I am sad, comfort me. If I am wrong, correct me. If I am lost, please find me. If I am cold, cover me. If I am waiting on Time, wait with me. If you love me, do not judge me for not being exactly what you want. If I am angry, ask me why. If I am happy, ask to share in it. If I need saving, please find me worthy of it…


How many different ways can you paint me a liar before you run out of fuel? How many ways can you paint me a liar before people begin to realize that it is not I who is the liar. But you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

So As To Remember...

If someone were to ask me, what does this man mean to you?
I would tell them, bold voiced and straight faced,
He is the man of another woman’s dreams whose arms alone, could conquer all fears,
And to me he is a hero, a beautiful soul’d kind of a man, a best friend of mine,
And that who I am to argue, but to know, he was so God willingly placed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The love I give is never even. It is never balanced. It is either unrequited or quite clear that I love more deeply. And so I learn how to distance myself from people. You think a gal would learn after so many times- too many times, of being taken advantage of. It seems though, that I’ll be a sucker for that last glimmer of hope. That last shot where you say to yourself “maybe it’ll be different this time…” But it never is.
And I will never learn.